My New year Resolution |
Hmmmm.... Bye bye for 2011 and its time to take new resolution again. New year resolution is a common thing for everyone during the rise of a new year but as days passes most of us will forget to follow our resolution. Following the resolution is not a matter but again we got a chance to take our resolution, no one should miss this opportunity. Resolution is a good practice if you follow it throughout your life. It is a chance for everyone to quit their bad habits or unwanted things out from their life... The most common resolution around the world for men will be related to their smoking habits. In that many of them will follow their new year resolution and most of them will quit the smoking habit. New year resolution for children will differ and it will be based on their studies. This is very common among students especially for school going students it is a fun to make resolutions.
Each and every persons will have their own new year resolutions and even me too have new ideas about 2012 resolutions.. To take your New Year resolution, just think like you are born in the New Year day. Think and analyze about yourself such as your pros and cons, for your resolution. To improve your character just make your minus point to plus. Keep on saying that resolution in your mind and you can definitely find some changes within yourself. That’s it. Begin your happy life on that good day. Lets share your new resolutions here..